THE GOOD SHEPHERD HOME IN CAMEROON, WEST AFRICA Sister Mary Lawrence (L), Sister Zilla (R), and Father Yuh (center) with staff and children on baptism day at the Good Shepherd Home Ndomenga Dickson, who grew up at the Good Shepherd Home and is now an accountant, says: "With this being a period of the holy baptism, the Good Shepherd Home is not left out as some 26 children of the home received their Holy Baptism. All of this was possible thanks to the efforts of the Sisters of our Chaplain the Rev. Yuh Emmanuel who has for the past month been overseeing the teaching of Christian doctrine to the children." All the children are Dickson's little brothers and sisters, as they grow up all their lives at the home, are not offered for adoption, and remain a loving family for life.
If you are interested in becoming a Good Shepherd Home sponsor for as little as $40.00 a month, please email [email protected] for more information. FIRST FRIDAY PRAYERS ONLINE
Many thanks to our hardworking online prayer team: Pat McKenzie, Janet Maulbeck, the Rev. Kevin Coffey, Doug McKenzie, Jan Paxton, and the Rev. John Rollins. If you’d like to join in the First Friday Zoom Prayers, please email CSJB Oblate Pat McKenzie at [email protected]. ST. JOHN BAPTIST SCHOOL REUNION St. John Baptist School Alumnae at the reunion The all-class reunion of St. John Baptist School was held at St. Marguerite’s retreat house on August 26, and as always, the turnout was great and the conversation was even better. Alums wore purple SJBS t-shirts and caps designed by Karen Augustine Miller (‘65) with their class year proudly displayed. Pam Nelon (‘69) says: “A great day. Good food and great friends. Just an FYI: Next year is CSJB’s 150-year commemoration so we thought we'd celebrate that with a bigger and better summer gathering.
All are welcome. Please email [email protected] to register. Many thanks to our CSJB Associates the Rev. Nate Darville and Eloise Hiris for making this event possible. CLICK HERE for a flyer to hang in your church or other public space. A LEGACY GIFT GIVES US A NEW HOOD
Shout out to First Call Fire Protection for all their great work! ANOTHER CHAMPION TREE AT CSJB New Jersey Forest Service Certifies CSJB Eastern White Pine as NJ Co-Champion
OUR BOY SCOUT TROOP 130 HAS ITS FIRST EAGLE SCOUT From Scout Leader Lawrence Morris:
CSJB is the official charter organization for Troop 130. The Troop holds meetings, campouts, and other activities on our property and we are always so proud of these outstanding young men. KEEPING HISTORY ALIVE IN CAPE MAY
Here lies the perfect answer to prayer: The Collaboratory. Crawford encouraged Elizabeth Girady to team up with Sr Monica Clare at The Community of St John Baptist as her spiritual leader for The Princeton Theological Seminary Collaboratory application. The Messiah Vestry was on board to form a team of 4-6 to assist Girady if she was chosen for the 10-week training program. In September, Elizabeth and a team from Messiah will attend a 3-day workshop in Princeton with teams from around the country to explore ways to engage young adults (ages 23-29) with spiritual opportunities and fellowship. In addition to the workshop, Elizabeth will receive 2 hours of online training weekly for 10 weeks and a $500 stipend to develop a pop-up event for the targeted audience. The Ministry Collaboratory @ Princeton (the Collaboratory) disseminates findings and creates resources emerging from Princeton Theological Seminary’s recently completed young adult innovation hub, The Zoe Project (2017-2021). This four-year initiative is funded by a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.'s Young Adult Initiative. Research gleaned from the Zoe Project will be shared to identify ways in which congregations and young adults effectively work together to bless their communities. The Collaboratory will identify the strategies and forms of support that seem most helpful to congregations and most empowering to young adults in forming relationships as they find creative ways to work together toward a goal both parties can point to as meaningful and perhaps even “sacred.” OUR INTERFAITH MINISTRY
The next Interfaith program open to all is The Environment from the Standpoint of the Abrahamic Religions It will be December 6 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. The presenters will be Rabbi Deb Smith, Shabiha Sheikh, and me. Please save the date. HOMELESS SOLUTIONS Summertime Harvest for Homeless Solutions
Homeless Solutions Annual Fundraiser: Providing a Hand UP, Not a HandOUT Homeless Solutions offers shelter, services, and supportive housing to the homeless and working poor in Morris County, New Jersey. Each year they host a fundraiser event focused on women. This year marks the 16th Annual Women’s Day which will be hosted at Canoe Brook Country Club in Summit. Woman's Day Annual Event Info and Registration SERMONS BY THE SISTERS The Sisters of CSJB often preach in the Convent chapel and at local parishes. Here are some of the recent sermons: CLICK HERE for Sister Deborah Francis’ sermon for Proper 12 Year A CLICK HERE for Sister Deborah Francis’ sermon for Proper 5 Year A CLICK HERE for Sister Deborah Francis’ sermon for Proper 7 Year A CLICK HERE for Sister Linda Clare’s sermon for Proper 6 Year A CLICK HERE for Sister Linda Clare’s sermon for Proper 9 Year A CLICK HERE for Sister Monica Clare’s sermon on Matthew 13 CLICK HERE for Sister Monica Clare’s sermon on Matthew 15 ASSOCIATES AND OBLATES CSJB Oblate Cathy Brunson preaching in the CSJB chapel on July 16 Calling all CSJB Associates and Oblates: If you’d like to contribute a photo, prayer, or any other items to our monthly newsletter, please email Sister Monica Clare at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you! Here’s an inspirational quote from Richard Rohr, sent by Oblate Pat McKenzie: “Over a lifetime of practice, contemplation gradually helps us detach from who we think we are and rest in our authentic identity as Love. At first this may feel like an “identity transplant” until we learn how to permanently rest in God.” Our Oblate meetings for the coming program year will be September 9, November 11, January 13, March 8 and 9 (Oblate retreat), and April 27. If you are interested in information about how to become a CSJB Associate or Oblate, please contact Sister Eleanor Francis at [email protected]. CSJB BOOKS
We pray especially for the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed. OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO
The DCLM Fund The Ross Foundation The S.A.D. Foundation The Community of the Transfiguration The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes The Rt. Rev. Allen K. Shin The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool The Rev. Kevin Coffey The Rev. Cynthia L. Black, DD, and the people of the Church of the Redeemer The Rev. John A. Rollins The Rev. Lorna Erixson and the people of St. Mark's Mendham The Rev. Margaret Otterburn and the people of the Church of the Messiah The Rev. Victoria McGrath and the people of All Saints Millington The Rev. Anne C. Thatcher and the people of St. Peters Morristown TO SUPPORT OUR GENERAL FUND
BELOW: A slideshow of all the beautiful things growing around the Convent gardens this summer:
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December 2024
CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW FOR: COVID-19 Resources from the Diocese of Newark COVID-19 Information from the Centers for Disease Control ANTI-RACISM Dialogue from the Diocese of Newark THE CLEWER INITIATIVE ANTI-TRAFFICKING PROGRAM founded by our Sisters in England and the Rt. Rev. Alastair Redfern If you'd like to find out what's going on at other Episcopal Religious Communities, go to: |