THE JOURNEY THROUGH LENT As we make our way through the forty days of Lent, we remember to turn inward and detach from anything in our life that distracts us from God. We hope to die to our own will and follow God’s will in all things. Some choose to give up worldly things like chocolate or going to the movies for Lent. Others decide to take up a service project or purge unnecessary items from their homes. Each person’s path is different.
Dates: February 28, March 6, March 13, and March 20 at NOON. Location: Grace Lutheran Church, 65 E Main St, Mendham Borough, NJ 07945, USA The Mendham Faith Leaders group includes the Community of St. John Baptist, Brookside Community Church, Grace Lutheran Church, Hilltop Presbyterian Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Mendham United Methodist Church, and St. Joseph Catholic Church OUR 150TH YEAR OF MINISTRY IN AMERICA HAS BEGUN
THE GOOD SHEPHERD HOME IN CAMEROON, WEST AFRICA ACT Foundation team members with children at the Good Shepherd Home in Abangoh There are currently over 100 orphans at the Good Shepherd Home in West Africa, and the Sisters, staff, and volunteers work hard to make sure that all the children receive an education, a nutritional diet, lots of love, and a solid Christian foundation. The Home is currently appealing to the public for support in these areas of need for the children: If you'd like to help with these needs, o rif you'd like to become a sponsor for as little as $40 a month, please email CSJB at [email protected].
LENTEN QUIET DAY – March 16 at All Saints Church in Millington
OPERA AT THE CONVENT Two opera companies will be presenting programs in the excellent acoustics of the CSJB Main Chapel this spring.
FINISHING SEMINARY Sister Monica Clare with her classmates at Sewanee
While studying at the University of the South, Sister Monica stayed with the Sisters of the Community of St. Mary, Southern Province at their beautiful convent in Sewanee. After finishing her field placement at St. Stephen’s Church in Millburn, she will attend a Clinical Pastoral Education course from September 2024 to May, 2025 at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital and complete the General Ordination Examination in January 2025. If God wills it, she hopes to be ordained in 2025 or 2026. ST. MARGUERITE’S RETREAT HOUSE Vestry from St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Doylestown, PA. The Rev. Daniel Moore, Rector. Some of the groups we’ve welcomed at St. Marguerite’s in January/February are: St. James School Servant Year Jan. 11-13. St. Michael's Vestry Feb. 2-3 St. Paul's Brooklyn Feb. 9-10 Our Lady of Mt Carmel - Ignatian Spirituality Project - Feb 16-17 St. Paul's Doylestown Feb. 24-25 Here is a review of St. Marguerite’s from Steve Cote, the Regional Director, East for Ignatian Spirituality Project: "I help run an organization providing retreats across 30 cities. St Marguerite’s House could be a 100/100 let alone a 5/5. Incredible hospitable staff willing to dive into their own stories- making the retreat weekend truly about something larger than ourselves. The architecture and interior design could not be more impressive or impeccable as well! Thank you!" In addition to weekend groups, we also invite any day groups, corporate meetings, and other gatherings to our retreat house. Please email Retreat House Manager Brad Kalos at [email protected] if you are interested in St. Marguerite's. St. Marguerite's after the big snowstorm OUR BOY SCOUT TROOP
Will is a very active member of his Troop and has enjoyed a wide variety of Scouting experiences. His favorite trip was attending the National Scout Jamboree in July 2023. To date, he has spent 68 nights camping; hiked almost 80 miles, and given 64 hours of his time in service of others. As a result, he earned the National Outdoor Award for Camping. He is also an upstanding young man, exemplifies the Scout Oath and Law, and leads by example. For this, he was elected to the Order of the Arrow, Scouting's 'Honor Society.' Please join me in congratulating Will on his significant achievement! His Eagle Scout Court of Honor will be held this Spring - more details to come. Yours in Scouting, Mr Morris” UPDATE ON THE COLLABORATORY Hopes and Dreams for the Future Project Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? - Isaiah 43:17 Under the sponsorship of CSJB and The Church of the Messiah, the regional community had an opportunity to participate in a Collaboratory Project. After a 7-week design process of planning and discernment, Messiah Outreach member Elizabeth Girardy, supported by a team from Messiah and the Sisters, held a Hopes and Dreams PopUp in downtown Chester in early January and now is collecting ideas from others.
Honoring Martin Luther King Community Day of Service The Collaboratory Project was extended and made available to participants from 8 other churches in the Long Valley region at The Martin Luther King Day of Community Service event held on January 15 at Messiah. After a prayer service, the project assembled takeaway meals for Faith Kitchen in Dover and hygiene kits for the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Warren County. CSJB Associate and Messiah member David Sullivan participated in the MLK Day of Community Service along with dozens from 8 different churches in the region. Information from the Hopes and Dreams Project will be shared with local leaders and local clergy. An on-line Hopes and Dreams platform is available and a Hopes and Dreams facebook page is envisioned. You can add in your own Hopes and Dreams by using the on-line survey form Share your Hopes and Dreams and Complete the On-Line Survey. Anyone interested in offering this project at a local community fair or sponsoring a similar Hopes and Dreams PopUp Event can Contact the Parish Administrator at Messiah and leave a message for the Messiah OutReach Team. SERMONS BY THE SISTERS The Sisters of CSJB often preach in the Convent chapel and at local parishes. Here are some of the recent sermons:
We pray especially for the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed. OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO
The DCLM Fund The Ross Foundation The S.A.D. Foundation The Community of the Transfiguration The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes The Rt. Rev. Allen K. Shin The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool The Rev. Kevin Coffey The Rev. Cynthia L. Black, DD, and the people of the Church of the Redeemer The Rev. John A. Rollins The Rev. Lorna Erixson and the people of St. Mark's Mendham The Rev. Margaret Otterburn and the people of the Church of the Messiah The Rev. Victoria McGrath and the people of All Saints Millington The Rev. Anne C. Thatcher and the people of St. Peters Morristown TO SUPPORT OUR GENERAL FUND St. Marguerite's in the snow. Three pictures taken by Sister Suzanne Elizabeth Because the pandemic suspended our ministry of hospitality for 19 months we, like many nonprofits, are still having a very difficult time covering our monthly operating costs. If you'd like to help us continue our ministries, please consider making a gift to our general fund through our online Paypal portal: We thank all our generous friends, Associates, Oblates, and benefactors who generously give to CSJB to keep Mother Harriet Monsell's dreams alive. YOUR LEGACY FOR CSJB
December 2024
CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW FOR: COVID-19 Resources from the Diocese of Newark COVID-19 Information from the Centers for Disease Control ANTI-RACISM Dialogue from the Diocese of Newark THE CLEWER INITIATIVE ANTI-TRAFFICKING PROGRAM founded by our Sisters in England and the Rt. Rev. Alastair Redfern If you'd like to find out what's going on at other Episcopal Religious Communities, go to: |