
The Community of St. John Baptist includes Associates and Oblates, both men and women, clergy and lay, married and single, who are bound to us in a spiritual bond of love and prayer.
Associates pledge to support the Community through their individual lives, and form an "outreach family" which is both international and ecumenical. Associates should be in sympathy with the mission and spirit of the Community and be ready to do whatever they can for the spiritual and material interests of the Community. Those interested may receive a Manual, and after practicing the Rule for a period of time, may then be received.
Associates pledge to support the Community through their individual lives, and form an "outreach family" which is both international and ecumenical. Associates should be in sympathy with the mission and spirit of the Community and be ready to do whatever they can for the spiritual and material interests of the Community. Those interested may receive a Manual, and after practicing the Rule for a period of time, may then be received.

Oblates are Associates who wish to dedicate their lives to God within this special bond of fellowship, while living in society and fulfilling their responsibilities to their families, their jobs, and other secular roles.
Oblates make an annual commitment to a personal rule of life that includes regular prayer and service to the Church. They spend time each day in reading and meditation, and take an active part in their local church communities. Oblates meet several times each year for shared study and reflection, and for service to the Community.
Oblates make an annual commitment to a personal rule of life that includes regular prayer and service to the Church. They spend time each day in reading and meditation, and take an active part in their local church communities. Oblates meet several times each year for shared study and reflection, and for service to the Community.

The Oblate Promise is made after a probation of at least a year, and is renewed annually. At his or her admission an Oblate will be given a cross and a certificate of Oblation.
We give thanks for our Associates and Oblates, and pray for them. Their prayers for us strengthen and renew us in our work.
For more information about the Associate and Oblates programs, please contact Sister Monica Clare at [email protected].
We give thanks for our Associates and Oblates, and pray for them. Their prayers for us strengthen and renew us in our work.
For more information about the Associate and Oblates programs, please contact Sister Monica Clare at [email protected].