Vocations/Becoming a Sister
"Vocation is the place A religious vocation is a call from God to devote oneself to a life of prayer and service. Often, a person is not at peace until he or she has answered this call. For some of us, this means a life of total surrender in the company of others who have made the same decision. The bond of Community life strengthens our offering and our ministry. Our motto is, "He must increase; I must decrease." Becoming a Sister
Applicants must be free of responsibility for family members and free of debt. Good physical and emotional health are also required. An applicant must be a member of the Episcopal Church and between 21 and 50 years of age. Some applicants may qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program for Faith-Based Entities. The program provides forgiveness of student debt to those working 10 years for a nonprofit organization. CLICK HERE to learn more about this program. An applicant will spend one month with the Community as a vocational visitor. During this time there will be physical and psychological examinations, and an opportunity to learn our way of life. Applicants then leave the Convent for a short time and wait to hear if the Community has decided to receive them as a postulant. Postulants share our life for six months before receiving a religious name and habit. Novices receive a religious name and habit, and spend at least two years learning the Rule, customs, and work of the Community. At the end of the Novitiate, they may be elected to Temporary Vows. Sisters in Temporary Vows receive the habit of the Community and make Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience for one year. These Vows may be renewed annually for at least three years. At the end of this period, a Sister may be elected to Final Profession. What do Sisters DO all day? The answer to that is - a lot! If you'd like to see our schedule for Sisters, click here. What is the process of becoming a Sister? CLICK HERE to read our official process, but please know that we take each applicant on an individual basis and we do work with the unique circumstances of each woman who follows the call. We encourage anyone interested in becoming a Sister to visit us as often as possible and to participate in our SEARCH Program. Please call Sister Pamela at 973-543-4641 ext 9 or email [email protected] for more information. |