CSJB Associates Program on Zoom Saturday, October 22 10am - 12noon Led by Fr. Jim Warnke
1. Contact Associate Jan Paxton [email protected] to provide your contact information so you will receive the Zoom link. 2. Please send a check to Community of St. John Baptist, PO Box 240, Mendham, NJ 07945. Attn: Sr. Eleanor Francis. Suggested donation: $50 (or whatever you can afford). NOTE: Your registration is NOT complete until CSJB has received your payment. |
October 9 from 2:00PM -4:00 PM Rejuvenate your spirit and open your heart with sacred circle dancing and joyous group singing honoring the world's mystical traditions. No musical or dance experience of any kind required. Enjoy the peace and renewal of the Dances safely on the beautiful grounds of the convent. André Bernard is a certified leader of Dances of Universal Peace. This event is a fair weather only event. To register, email André Bernard at [email protected], To learn more about the Dances of Universal Peace, go to: or |
A CSJB Retreat – Saturday morning September 24, 2022 from 10am-12noon You are invited to come and join us as we study about the encounters with Angels throughout the Bible. We will learn more about God and these supernatural beings. Retreat led by Sr. Victoria Michelle All participants are asked to please bring a Bible and pen and paper to the retreat. Suggested Donation: $25.00 sent to: CSJB P.O.Box 240 Mendham, NJ 07945 Payment may be made by check or through Paypal To register, contact Associate Philip Muniz at: [email protected] Please place the words “Angels Retreat” in the email subject line |
Wed Sep 21st 6:00pm - 7:00 pm PLEASE NOTE: EVENT START TIME HAS CHANGED FROM 6:30pm to 6:00pm Chester Gazebo, 175 Main St, Chester, NJ 07930, USA Faith leaders in Chester, Mendham and Long Valley will hold a vigil at the Chester Gazebo to mark the International Day of Peace on Sep. 21. The service will be held from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Gazebo on Main St. at Collis Lane in downtown Chester. The interfaith vigil will include prayers, a moment of silence, music and remarks by faith leaders. CLICK HERE for a flyer about the event. |
Sister Monica Clare will serve as a panelist at 6:00 PM on May 19, 2022 for “A Balm for Our Time: In Search of Healing from Current Crises” - a benefit for the New York Service & Justice Collaborative. The event is open to the public and will take place at the Church of the Heavenly Rest,1085 5th Avenue, NYC. The panel discussion will also be livestreamed beginning at 6:30 PM. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS. |
exploring the parables of Jesus
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern time. ALL ARE WELCOME Join us on the 2nd Friday of each month for informal intercessory prayers to give us strength and hope during these trying times. We begin with a check-in time of 10:15am Eastern and praying starts at 10:30am. A special thanks to Interweave for the use of their online platform. Please email Oblate Pat McKenzie for the Zoom info. at: [email protected] |
HOLY WEEK AND EASTERThe Mendham Faith Leaders
This year the Mendham Faith Leaders are presenting the Holy Week and Easter offerings of all the churches in the Mendham area in one convenient place. CLICK HERE to download a flyer listing all the local Holy Week services. The Mendham Faith Leaders group includes the Community of St. John Baptist, Brookside Community Church, Grace Lutheran Church, Hilltop Presbyterian Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, and Mendham United Methodist Church, and St. Joseph Catholic Church Please email Sister Monica at: [email protected] for more information |
In pre-pandemic times, our Convent guests would participate with us in the watch before the Blessed Sacrament, taking turns sitting vigil before the Altar of Repose from 8PM the evening of Maundy Thursday until 7:30 AM the following morning. Sister Margo Elizabeth came up with the idea of having an online watch so that anyone can participate in the vigil. She made a lovely slideshow of photos she has taken of our chapel and Altar of Repose so all that who wish to join us from home can sit alongside us in spirit before the Blessed Sacrament. Please feel free to light a candle at home and enjoy the images as you join us for the watch. Just click on the image at left to start the slideshow, then click the expand icon for a full screen view. If you'd like to learn more about the Maundy Thursday watch, CLICK HERE for a helpful explanation from "Building Faith" at Virginia Theological Seminary: |
lenten retreat - SATURDAY, march 12, 2022
LENTEN LABYRINTH WALKSaturday March 5 from 10:30 to noon
Begin your journey through Lent with this ancient meditation practice. This is a free event in partnership with the Mendham Faith Leaders. Participants are encouraged to bring donations of canned food for the Interfaith Food Pantry. Supported by the Mendham Community Faith Leaders: Brookside Community Church, CSJB, Grace Lutheran Church, Hilltop Presbyterian Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, and Mendham United Methodist Church. Email Sister Monica Clare at [email protected] for more information. |
WINTER COMMUNITY READFebruary 27th 3:00 - 4:30 PM
On ZOOM SO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT RACE BY IJEOMA OLUO February is Black History Month. If you’d like to enhance your skills in discussing race, you are invited to join The Mendhams Diversity Committee in reading "So You Want To Talk About Race" by Ijeoma Oluo. Copies are available through local booksellers, online, and through the our local libraries (including eBook and audio recordings). Register in advance for this conversation: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the link and additional information on joining the conversation. |
The Search Program
On Zoom On the longest night of the year, join the Mendham faith communities in a service that recognizes the holidays are not 'holly and jolly' for everyone. This warm and cozy service connects our experiences today with biblical stories of 'long nights of the soul.' Together, we will acknowledge the complexities of the season while illuminating hope. Please email Sister Monica Clare at [email protected] to register for this free event. |
BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING: THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVENovember 7, November 14, and November 21 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Hilltop House, 14 Hilltop Rd. in Mendham, NJ. This year, your local faith communities are joining together to make sure everyone has a bountiful Thanksgiving. In lieu of our usual individual collections, we have set one centralized, socially distant drop-off location to support the Interfaith Food Pantry. CSJB Sisters will be there helping out on Nov. 14, so please stop by and say hello. This event is open to all. Supported by the Mendham Community Faith Leaders: Community of St. John Baptist, Brookside Community Church, Grace Lutheran Church, Hilltop Presbyterian Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, and Mendham United Methodist Church. For a list of items needed, CLICK HERE. For more info., email Sister Monica Clare at [email protected]. CLICK HERE FOR A FLYER. |
Anglican Prayer bead workshopCSJB Retreat – Saturday October 23, 2021
10am-12noon As the search to know about prayer continues, we find ways to meet the Divine and express our gratitude. Join us in making Anglican Prayer Beads to be used in your quiet time with God.
Retreat led by Sr. Victoria Michelle Please send your full mailing address with a $25.00 fee to CSJB – P.O.Box 240 Mendham, NJ 07945. Payment may be made by check or PayPal. All participants are asked to please bring a pair of pointed edged scissors and a sectioned plate to empty prayer beads out on. To register, Contact Jan Paxton at [email protected] Please place the words “Anglican Prayer Bead Workshop” in the email subject line The cut off date for ordering beads for the retreat is Oct. 15 |
Catching our Breath:An Advent Retreat for CSJB Associates
Saturday, December 4, 2021 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (on Zoom) Leader: The Rev. John Beddingfield, Associate, CSJB What sustains us when we are running low? How do we reconnect with God when we need a second spiritual wind? Join us for an online retreat with the Rev. John F. Beddingfield as he leads us in an exploration of biblical and theological images around breath. We will be invited to practice several ways of noticing our breath in prayer and opening ourselves more deeply to God’s Spirit. Suggested Donation: (Pay what you can): $50. Check or Paypal: Make out to Community of St. John Baptist, Attn: Sr. Eleanor Francis After we have received your donation, we will send you a link. |
Dances of Universal PeacESeptember 11 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM
Sponsored by Interweave Join us for Dances of Universal Peace! Safely outside on the beautiful grounds of the Community of St John the Baptist! Rejuvenate your spirit and open your heart with sacred circle dancing and joyous group singing honoring the world's mystical traditions. No musical or dance experience of any kind required. Enjoy the peace and renewal of the Dances safely on the beautiful grounds of the convent. André Bernard is a certified leader of Dances of Universal Peace. Interweave is committed your wellness during the pandemic. We ask for your cooperation with our safety protocol which is in accord with CDC and the requirements of the host facility. Programs being held at the Community of St John the Baptist require participants to be fully vaccinated. This event is a fair weather only event. To learn more about the Dances of Universal Peace, go to: or |
Peace Walk @the LabyrinthWalking for Peace - 20 years after 9/11
For the aftermath of 9/11, For Afghanistan, for our World 11 am on September 11 This 20th anniversary is particularly poignant in the light of with our withdrawal from Afghanistan, the 20-year-old war that began in the wake of 9/11. We gather at the labyrinth to pray for peace as we remember those who died on that day that changed our world forever. We pray too for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan and for all who lost their lives in that war. We pray for our broken world that we may find the road to peace and build pathways to justice and healing. Walking the labyrinth has a calming effect, this is prayer in motion. The ancient practice of walking the labyrinth is meditative, we combine this with sharing our prayers and intentions to bring peace into the world. Interweave is committed your wellness during the pandemic. We ask for your cooperation with our safety protocol which is in accord with CDC and the requirements of the host facility. Participants must be fully vaccinated. This is a fair weather only event! Click here to sign up! |
The funeral of Sister Jane MankaaThe funeral service of our beloved Sister Jane Mankaa, the founder and leader of the Good Shepherd Home in Cameroon, West Africa, was held April 30, 2021 on the Facebook page via livestream from Cameroon.
JOIN US FOR PRAYER ON ZOOMFriday July 9 and Friday August 13
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern time. ALL ARE WELCOME Join us on the 2nd Friday of each month for informal intercessory prayers to give us strength and hope during these trying times. We begin with a check-in time of 10:15am Eastern and praying starts at 10:30am. A special thanks to Interweave for the use of their online platform. Please email Oblate Pat McKenzie for the Zoom info. at: [email protected] Let’s join together to pray for ourselves, our neighbors, our church, and the world. |
THIS YEAR'S SEARCH PROGRAM WILL BE ON ZOOM DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS. Our SEARCH program is not only for those feeling called to be Sisters, but for anyone who is hoping to determine God's call in their lives, whatever that call may be. The Summer SEARCH program takes place in August every year. The dates for 2021 are August 16-21. The program lasts for six days, but you may attend for a portion of it if your work schedule does not allow you to attend all six days. Our Zoom Search program includes classes in prayer, our history and ministries, and discussions with Sisters. Please call Sister Pamela at: 973-543-4641 ext. 9 or email [email protected] for more information. |
Commemoration Day 2018 in the Main Chapel
Saturday, June 19 at 10:00 AM
ON ZOOM Save the date! This year we're going to have the CSJB Commemoration Day online. We've set the date for June 19, 2021, at 10:00 AM. Our preacher will be the Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, Bishop of Newark. This will be a Service of the Word with several speakers, followed by a time for socializing on Zoom. Many thanks to Jan Paxton and John Rollins for being our tech hosts for the event! TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT, CLICK HERE: |
"The problem of Evil"Facilitated by Rabbi Deb Smith, Sr. Eleanor Francis, and Dr. Shabiha Sheikh.
Wednesday, June 2, 7:30-8:45 pm. Suggested Donation: $36 or pay what you can. Why would God permit evil to exist? What do our holy books and traditions teach about evil? What should we do to combat evil? We will delve into a three faiths understanding of the concepts of good and evil.
If you think you would be interested in this program, please contact Sr Eleanor Francis at [email protected] or 973-543-4641 ex3. I will see that you get registered. |
"The problem of Evil"Facilitated by Rabbi Deb Smith, Sr. Eleanor Francis, and Dr. Shabiha Sheikh.
Wednesday, June 2, 7:30-8:45 pm. Suggested Donation: $36 or pay what you can. Why would God permit evil to exist? What do our holy books and traditions teach about evil? What should we do to combat evil? We will delve into a three faiths understanding of the concepts of good and evil.
If you think you would be interested in this program, please contact Sr Eleanor Francis at [email protected] or 973-543-4641 ex3. I will see that you get registered. |
becoming a woman of purposeSaturday, May 22, 10 a.m. - 12 Noon
ON ZOOM All of us wonder all one time or another who we are and why we are here. The truth is that we are created by God in his image, and our fulfillment is found in pursuing His purposes for us. Join us as we try to better understand God's intended purposes for us as His people and for you as His unique creation. Retreat led by Sister Victoria Michelle. All participants are asked to bring a Bible, pen and paper to the retreat. Cost $20 - send to Community of St. John Baptist, P. O. Box 240, Mendham NJ 07945. Payment may be made by check or through PayPal. To register contact CSJB Associate Pat McKenzie: email [email protected] Please place May 22 Retreat in the email subject line. |
HOPE VALLEY - an interview with the authorApril 29 at 7:00 PM
Sister Monica Clare Interviews author Haviva-Ner-David, about her new novel Hope Valley on Zoom The program is part of the OneSpirit Learning Alliance's monthly online Gatherings. Haviva is a rabbi who lives and works in Galilee, and her novel centers on the friendship between a Jewish woman and a Muslim woman living in Israel. If you’re interested in attending this event, register here: . Hope Valley is now available as an e-book on Amazon at |
APRIL 9 at 6:30 PM on Zoom The next public talk by Sr. Eleanor Francis will be on Friday, April 9. The occasion is Yom Hashoah, the day of Holocaust Remembrance, and the sponsoring organization is the Shul of New York. Sister will share her life as a second-generation Holocaust survivor. If you would like to join the Yom Hashoah Zoom program, please contact Sister Eleanor Francis at [email protected]. |
Dates: Wednesdays: February 17, March 3, and March 17 Time: 7:30 - 8:45 pm EST (4 - 5:45 pm PST) Cost: Pay-what-you-can Led by: Rabbi Deb Smith, Sister Eleanor Francis, and Dr. Shabiha Sheikh Description: Join ALEPH for our brand new Yad b' Yad Abrahamic Faiths Dialogue Series, an opportunity for immersive, interfaith learning at the intersection of the Abrahamic traditions. This program is perfect for curious seekers hoping to expand their knowledge of Judaism's sister faiths and build relationships with Christians and Muslims. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from a dynamic interfaith trio with a deep shared history: Rabbi Debra Smith (Reb Deb), Sister Eleanor Francis, and Dr. Shabiha Sheikh have known each other over many years, building relationships with each other through teaching, studying, sharing meals, praying, and sharing family stories with each other. In this series, they will share the fruits of many years of dialogue and insight. Each dialogue session will be followed by an open Q + A. Register today! Session One: Compassion in Our Traditions - Compassion is a core teaching in each of our value systems. Explore key texts and stories teaching compassion in each of our faiths. Session Two: Charity, Tzedakah and Zakat in Our Traditions - Our traditions place strong emphasis on helping those less fortunate. Where do these values come from and what form does this obligation take in helping us create a more just society? Session Three: Prayer in Our Traditions - Our three faiths place and emphasis on praising and thanking G-d. We'll explore these prayers of thanks and praise as well as a range of different types of prayers from a three faith's perspective. REGISTER ONLINE HERE FOR THE ABRAHAMIC FAITHS DIALOGUE SERIES! |
Mendham Area Faith Leaders
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern time. ALL ARE WELCOME Join us on the 2nd Friday of each month for intercessory prayers to give us strength and hope during these trying times. We begin with a check-in time of 10:15am Eastern and praying starts at 10:30am. A special thanks to Interweave for the use of their online platform. Please email Oblate Pat McKenzie for the Zoom info. at: [email protected] Let’s join together to pray for ourselves, our neighbors, our church, and the world. |
Earth care, 11th Hour!
LENTEN LISTENINGFriday March 5 from 8:45 am to Noon
On Zoom Sister Monica Clare will be leading a Friday morning Lenten retreat for St. Elizabeth's Church in Ridgewood, NJ. ALL ARE WELCOME. The retreat will focus on Lenten meditations and practices, and will include plenty of time for individual prayer and silence. To register, please email the Rev. Cathy Quinn, Assistant Rector at St. Elizabeth's, at [email protected] Or call 201-444-2299 |
KNOWING wHO YOU ARE IN cHRISTFriday March 5 from 10:00 am to Noon
On Zoom Sister Victoria Michelle will be leading a Friday morning Lenten retreat for the Church of the Messiah in Chester, NJ. ALL ARE WELCOME. Retreat led by Sr. Victoria Michelle Whatever your present circumstances may be, my earnest prayer is that somehow in this time together you can discover how amazing your life in Christ is meant to be! May you experience God doing in you and through you what only God can do. Please email the Rev. Margaret Otterburn at [email protected] to register for this event. |
The Search Program
Our next goal for the CSJB Capital Campaign is to raise enough money to replace the 112-year-old roof on St. Marguerite's Retreat House.
It's easy to help! Just donate by check or online to the St. John the Baptist Foundation and specify "St. Marguerite's Roof" on the ledger line of your check or in the "purpose" section of your online Paypal donation. We thank you for supporting our ministries of retreat and spiritual direction which are so necessary in today's world.
CLICK HERE to learn more about how to donate through the CSJB Capital Campaign.
It's easy to help! Just donate by check or online to the St. John the Baptist Foundation and specify "St. Marguerite's Roof" on the ledger line of your check or in the "purpose" section of your online Paypal donation. We thank you for supporting our ministries of retreat and spiritual direction which are so necessary in today's world.
CLICK HERE to learn more about how to donate through the CSJB Capital Campaign.
Praying for our Nation - A Faithful Mendham EventTuesday January 19
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern time. Join your Mendham Faith Leaders for a brief service of scripture and prayer on the eve of the Presidential Inauguration. This community prayeres time is open to all people, regardless of political or religious background. Register in advance for this worship service by clicking here: After registering, Zoom will send you a confirmation email containing information about joining the gathering. Sponsored by Brookside Community Church, The Community of St. John the Baptist, Grace Lutheran Church, Hilltop Presbyterian Church, Mendham United Methodist Church, & St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. CLICK HERE to see the Facebook event |
Can you give us a lift?
CLICK HERE to donate any amount through GoFundMe to help replace our Convent elevator
Our Convent elevator, which is a huge part of our ministry of hospitality and welcome, has finally breathed its last after serving us since 1960. Since we don't have any miracles left to resurrect it, we're asking the public to help us purchase a new elevator to provide continuing ministry to the hundreds of guests who visit CSJB each year for prayer, rest and retreat.
The elevator also provides our only access for handicapped visitors and overnight guests, since our restrooms are not on the first floor and our overnight guest rooms are all on the 3rd and 4th floor.
JANUARY 8, 2023 in the Main Chapel at CSJB 4:00 PM Vespers, Reception of Associates, and Hymn Sing with food and socializing afterwards. Our annual Epiphany Party is one of the times of year when we say "thanks" to all the CSJB Oblates, Associates and friends who support us with donations, volunteer time, and prayers. This year we're going to bring back our IN PERSON gathering by holding it in the Main Chapel. Please email Sister Monica Clare at [email protected] to RSVP for the party. PLEASE BE ADVISED: If COVID numbers are high in January 2023, this might result in cancellation of the event. |
AN ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING UPCOMING EVENTSThe scheduling of our regular fall events has been delayed as we await word from Governor Murphy and Bishop Carlye J. Hughes regarding in-person gatherings. Please check back here for updated information on these:
OBLATE AND ASSOCIATE MEETINGS Oblates meetings are taking place via Zoom until further notice DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE Waiting for scheduling after in-person gatherings are permitted. |
Sunday November 20 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Eastern time. Admission: Free with donation Musicians from the Adelphi Chamber Orchestra. We ask that all audience members please be masked during the concert. This is a fundraiser for our Capital Campaign. Please email [email protected] for information. |
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Eastern time. CLICK HERE for more Information This is a fundraiser for our Capital Campaign. Please email [email protected] for information on how to register and receive the link to this livestreamed concert. |
BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING: THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVENovember 15, and 22 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Hilltop House, 14 Hilltop Rd. in Mendham, NJ. This year, your local faith communities are joining together to make sure everyone has a bountiful Thanksgiving. In lieu of our usual individual collections, we have set one centralized, socially distant drop-off location to support the Interfaith Food Pantry. CSJB Sisters will be there helping out on Nov. 8 and 15, so please stop by and say hello. This event is open to all. Supported by the Mendham Community Faith Leaders: Brookside Community Church, CSJB, Grace Lutheran Church, Hilltop Presbyterian Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, and Mendham United Methodist Church. For a list of items needed, CLICK HERE. For more info., email Sister Monica Clare at [email protected]. CLICK HERE FOR A FLYER. |
Conversation with God:
OCTOBER 31, FROM 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Hilltop House, 14 Hilltop Rd. in Mendham, NJ. Supported by the Mendham Community Faith Leaders: Brookside Community Church, CSJB, Grace Lutheran Church, Hilltop Presbyterian Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, and Mendham United Methodist Church. For more info. email Sister Monica Clare at [email protected]. CLICK HERE FOR A FLYER. |
Community Movie discussionMonday October 12
7:00 PM to 8:15 PM Eastern time. Cohosted with the Interchurch Committee of the Mendhams. As the nation grieves the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, we invite you to join your neighbors in a conversation facilitated by local faith leaders on the documentary RBG. Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You can find information on where to find the movie here: Learn about what makes her such a notable justice and what it means to be a Supreme Court Justice in the United States. Our conversation will be about RBG, and about our current system of appointing justices (I've been reading a lot lately, and was struck by this opinion piece in the NY Times: ) And if you haven't yet done so, please consider attending this informational session by the League of Women Voters (a non-partisan voter education group) on October 7th - Register here: |
Sister Victoria Michelle's
Community Movie Discussion of the DOCUMENTARIES
The Search Program
4:00 PM At the Convent - Main Chapel SUBJECT TO CHANGE ACCORDING TO RESTRICTIONS ON IN-PERSON GATHERINGS Conductor: Dr. Anne Matlack Discover new female composers, songs about peace, works of Marian devotion, some Christmas wassail carols, and spirituals in this delightful presentation. Contact Sister Pamela at [email protected] Or call at 973-543-4641 x9 |
Community Movie Discussion of the documentary "13th"July 28,On Zoom from
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM CSJB is co-hosting a Zoom Community Movie Discussion of the documentary "13th" with the Interchurch Committee of the Mendhams. We are grateful to all who participated in our community discussion of the film "Just Mercy" on June 23. Join local faith leaders for our second community conversation on race, racism, and the criminal justice system. Following our viewing of "Just Mercy" which is based on the true stories of a few characters in a larger system, we chose to watch 13th which focuses on that larger system. "In this thought-provoking documentary, scholars, activists and politicians analyze the criminalization of African Americans and the U.S. prison boom." (from the official site) Netflix has made this documentary available for free Please register in advance for this meeting:…/tZMkcuypqDItGtSbYJQQINpn5Pl4fa4-T… After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. |
June 20, 2020 Commemoration Day is one of the opportunities we take throughout the year to thank our friends, Associates and Oblates for all that they contribute to the ministries of CSJB. We are very sad to have to cancel this year's event, but the health and safety of our friends is extremely important to us. RECEPTION OF NEW ASSOCIATES, which usually takes place at Commemoration Day, will be rescheduled according to the directives of our Bishop regarding in-person worship. If you're interested in volunteering for this event next year June 19, please call Sister Monica Clare at 973-543-4641 ext. 2 or email [email protected] |
Please join your friends and neighbors for a conversation on this important film, moderated by local faith leaders. The entire movie is available to view for free on Amazon Prime in the month of June: CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FILM
From Amazon:
"A powerful true story that follows young lawyer Bryan Stevenson and his battle for justice as he defends a man sentenced to death despite evidence proving his innocence."
CLICK HERE TO Register in advance, and then we will email Zoom details to participants.
This will be the first in a series of offerings on racial justice from your local faith leaders.
From Amazon:
"A powerful true story that follows young lawyer Bryan Stevenson and his battle for justice as he defends a man sentenced to death despite evidence proving his innocence."
CLICK HERE TO Register in advance, and then we will email Zoom details to participants.
This will be the first in a series of offerings on racial justice from your local faith leaders.
on Zoom Compassion is a core belief in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. How do our traditions define compassion? How are we told to behave in order to live a life of compassion for ourselves and others? We will explore texts, stories and historical examples from our faith traditions that teach compassion and discuss how contemporary society presents challenges to us as we try to live a life of compassion. Join Sister Eleanor Francis, Rabbi Debra Smith and Dr. Shabiha Sheikh for an intriguing text study and discussion. For more information please email Sister Eleanor Francis or Rabbi Debra Smith. or call Sister Eleanor Francis at 973-543-4641 |
AN ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING OUR FALL EVENTSThe scheduling of our regular fall events has been delayed as we await word from Governor Murphy and Bishop Carlye J. Hughes regarding in-person gatherings. Please check back here for updated information on these:
FALL ASSOCIATES RETREAT Waiting for scheduling after in-person gatherings are permitted. OBLATES MEETINGS SEPT 12 and NOV. 14 These are taking place via Zoom until further notice DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE Waiting for scheduling after in-person gatherings are permitted. ADELPHI CHAMBER ORCHESTRA CONCERT IN THE MAIN CHAPEL originally scheduled for Nov. 22 - 4:00 PM Subject to change pending new guidelines on in-person gatherings. |
4:00 PM At the Convent - Main Chapel SUBJECT TO CHANGE ACCORDING TO RESTRICTIONS ON IN-PERSON GATHERINGS Conductor: Dr. Anne Matlack Discover new female composers, songs about peace, works of Marian devotion, some Christmas wassail carols, and spirituals in this delightful presentation. Contact Sister Pamela at [email protected] Or call at 973-543-4641 x9 |
Celtic Journeys 2020:Due to the Corona Virus pandemic, our 2020 Celtic Journeys has to be cancelled.
Please see our trips for 2021! For more information, contact Sister Margo Elizabeth: Phone:973 543 4641 ext 4 Email: [email protected] |
The Search Program
on Zoom Compassion is a core belief in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. How do our traditions define compassion? How are we told to behave in order to live a life of compassion for ourselves and others? We will explore texts, stories and historical examples from our faith traditions that teach compassion and discuss how contemporary society presents challenges to us as we try to live a life of compassion. Join Sister Eleanor Francis, Rabbi Debra Smith and Dr. Shabiha Sheikh for an intriguing text study and discussion. To register, CLICK HERE. For more information please email Sister Eleanor Francis or Rabbi Debra Smith. or call Sister Eleanor Francis at 973-543-4641 |
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern time. The community of St. John Baptist invites you via Zoom to meet for a half-hour prayer service for comfort and strength during these difficult times. Please email Oblate Pat McKenzie for the Zoom info. at: [email protected] Let’s join together to pray for ourselves, our neighbors, our church, and the world. |