The beautiful words of our liturgy remind us to put our focus not on death but on the resurrection. Just as the leaves pass away and are then reborn every spring, so do we all pass away to be born into eternal life. Our Sisters Departed:
CAROA NEWCOMERS CONFERENCE AT ST. MARGUERITE’S CAROA Vocations Directors, Novices, and First Professed at CSJB The Conference of Anglican Religious Orders in the Americas held its gathering of Vocations Directors and new sisters and brothers here at CSJB from September 30 – October 4. Vocations Directors from several CAROA orders in the U.S. and Canada gathered at St. Marguerite’s with their Novices and First Professed to learn about community dynamics and share their experiences as senior and junior members. Brother Josép Martínez-Cubero, of the Order of the Holy Cross, did presentations on topics such as “Communication Styles” and “Generational Differences in Community.” We give thanks for all the new sisters and brothers who have followed God’s call to religious life, and we keep them all in our prayers – especially Niambi Mercado and Diana Baudelaire who will be received here at CSJB as postulants in November. To learn more about CAROA, go to CELEBRATING SISTER LAURA KATHARINE
CONCERT AT THE CONVENT On November 24, the Adelphi Chamber Ensemble will present a concert in the outstanding acoustics of the Convent's main chapel. The program begins at 4 PM and includes Mendelssohn's String Quartet No. 2 in A Minor, Op. 13, and Schumann's Quintet for Piano and Strings in E flat major, Op. 44. The concert is part of our Concert at the Convent series, for which all proceeds benefit the CSJB Capital Campaign to preserve our historically landmarked buildings and grounds. Donations in any amount are appreciated. Checks can be written to the St. John the Baptist Foundation. All proceeds go towards the preservation of our historic buildings. Please contact Sister Pamela at [email protected] for more info. CLICK HERE to download a flyer to hang in your church or other public space. CALLING ALL TURKEYS! The Mendham Interchurch Community is once again sponsoring our annual Turkey Drive and Autumn Social to benefit the Interfaith Food Pantry Network. Come on down to Hilltop Presbyterian Church, 14 Hilltop Road in Mendham Saturday, November 16th from 10:00 AM to noon. Please bring:
Cider and donuts will be served by the fire pit. The Mendham Interchurch Community (also known as the Mendham Faith Leaders) includes Hilltop Presbyterian Church, Brookside Church (UCC), Community of St. John Baptist, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Mendham United Methodist Church, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, and Grace Lutheran Church. These congregations will also participate in a Service of the Longest Night (Blue Christmas) service on December 22 at 5PM at Brookside Church (UCC). THE UNION OF BLACK EPISCOPALIANS WILL HONOR CSJB
Tickets are $50. Please contact Bob Simmons for Tickets at 862-321-2556 or purchase online here: A portion of the proceeds will support The Marguerite Smith Scholarship Fund. Sponsored by UBE, Diocese of Newark Chapter [email protected] THE GOOD SHEPHERD HOME FOR CHILDREN IN CAMEROON, WEST AFRICA Aben Cistus (Top row, left in blue shirt) with volunteers and children at the Dorcas Foundation Orphanage in Bafoussam where his ACT Foundation led a tech education workshop in September
The roof and chimneys at St. Marguerite's are 116 years old. ASSOCIATES AND OBLATES Did you know that CSJB has 14 Oblates and over 400 Associates? Our Oblate/Associate programs are open to all Christians, and they provide a great way to get closer to God and participate in the prayer life of the Community. So, what do Oblates and Associates do?
These are only some of the things our large family of Associates and Oblates do. There are many other creative ways to grow closer to God and participate in our community of prayer. If you are interested in becoming an Associate or Oblate, please contact Sister Monica Clare at [email protected]. Learn more about our Associate/Oblate programs on our website at ST. JOHN BAPTIST SCHOOL ALUMNAE
REACHING OUT TO GOD'S PEOPLE Our annual year-end appeal letter, "Reaching Out to God's People," has now gone out through the mail to our friends. This yearly campaign benefits our General Fund at a time of year when our cash flow runs low, and those of you who donate have no idea how much you help us, even with the smallest contributions, to pay our monthly bills and keep our Community going. Many thanks to all our faithful friends who believe in the mission of CSJB. CLICK HERE for a PDF of the Reaching Out letter. CSJB BOOKS
We pray especially for the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed. OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO
The DCLM Fund The Ross Foundation The S.A.D. Foundation The Community of the Transfiguration The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes The Rt. Rev. Allen K. Shin The Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool The Rev. Kevin Coffey The Rev. Cynthia L. Black, DD, and the people of the Church of the Redeemer The Rev. John A. Rollins The Rev. Lorna Erixson and the people of St. Mark's Mendham The Rev. Elizabeth Ivell and the people of the Church of the Messiah The Rev. Victoria McGrath and the people of All Saints Millington The Rev. Anne C. Thatcher and the people of St. Peters Morristown TO SUPPORT OUR GENERAL FUND
YOUR LEGACY FOR CSJB Fall colors beside the Main Chapel The majority of our buildings, chapel furnishings, Convent and Retreat House furnishings, and ongoing ministry funds were made possible through legacies.
It is mainly through the kindness of legacy donors who believed in our mission that we have carried forward the plans of the Holy Spirit for our Community from 1852 to the present time. The restoration of the Convent in 1960 was made possible by a legacy gift. Before that gift, the Sisters lived at St. Marguerite's for ten years because the Convent repairs were too expensive to undertake. Many thanks to all the kind people who have expressed interest in being CSJB Legacy donors. Our promise to you is that your legacy will continue God's work. CLICK HERE for information about becoming a Legacy donor.
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December 2024
CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW FOR: COVID-19 Resources from the Diocese of Newark COVID-19 Information from the Centers for Disease Control ANTI-RACISM Dialogue from the Diocese of Newark THE CLEWER INITIATIVE ANTI-TRAFFICKING PROGRAM founded by our Sisters in England and the Rt. Rev. Alastair Redfern If you'd like to find out what's going on at other Episcopal Religious Communities, go to: |